Course information
German A-Level
Parliament Hill School - Camden
Highgate Road, London, NW5 1RL
Course summary

Course specification: - Aspects of German speaking society - The changing state of the family - The digital world - Youth culture: Fashion and trends, music & television - Multiculturalism in German speaking society - Immigration - Integration - Racism - Artistic culture in the German speaking world - Festivals and traditions - Art and architecture - Cultural life in Berlin, past and present - Aspects of political life in German speaking world - Germany and the European Union - Politics and youth - German re-unification and its consequences

Entry requirements

6 or above in German Need to have taken higher papers in Listening and Reading at GCSE.

How you'll be assessed

Three papers. Paper 1: Translation Paper 2: Literature - texts/film Paper 3: individual research project

School Info

About Education Provider

Local AuthorityCamden
Ofsted RatingGood
Gender TypeGirls
AddressHighgate Road, London, NW5 1RL