Course information
Business Studies
Wilmington Grammar School for Girls - Kent
Wilmington Grange, Parsons Lane, Dartford, DA2 7BB
Course summary

Expectations of Independent Study Students are expected to undertake one hour of additional study for every hour studied in the classroom. Students are expected to prepare for lessons in advance by extensive reading of the set topics, as well as making notes outside of the classroom. This will the enable all students to fully engage in lessons. Students are also required to keep a close eye on the national and international business and economics news, preferably on a daily basis. Why is it interesting? At some point everyone will work for a business or run a business themselves. Studying business will give you an insight into the core activities that a business undertakes, both on a small scale like a family business to a large Multinational Corporation like Apple. We will give you an opportunity to see how all the differing theoretical concept apply to the business world, giving you an insight as to why businesses operate in the way that they do. What skills and knowledge will I develop by studying this subject? The course is split into four distinct themes, all looking at business from a different perspective. Theme 1: Marketing and People Students will develop an understanding of: • Meeting customer needs • Marketing mix and strategy • Entrepreneurs and leaders • Managing people Theme 2: Managing Business Activities Students will develop an understanding of: • Raising finance • Managing finance • External influences • Resource management Theme 3: Strategic business decisions This develops the concepts introduced in Theme 2 Students will develop an understanding of: • Business objectives and strategy • Decision-making techniques • Assessing competitiveness • Managing change Theme 4: Global Business This develops the concepts introduced in Theme 1 Students will develop an understanding of: • Global marketing (multinational corporations) • Global markets and business • Global industries and companies Students studying business will develop many subject specific skills as well as transferable skills for a multitude of professions. Within business we will develop students analytical and evaluative skills. This will be breaking down information and examining it closely, such as the decision the government made over not to bail out Thomas Cook. We will then encourage students to question these decisions and provide alternative viewpoints. Within business we will also develop numeracy skills by using the calculations that every business will use to such as cash flow, profit loss and stock control. This course would be suitable for students who have the following skills and interests: Students should have an interest in the business world and what is currently happing in the UK and global markets. Students who are curious in nature about how a business operates and how a business model can stay sustainable in the modern world would be suited to the subject. For example, will physical retail outlets continue to exist in the future, or is online shopping the way forward in business? Although mathematics is a key element of Business students should not be discouraged from the subject for this reason. Business looks at statistical analysis and calculations based on formulas on a regular basis. Students who are competent and wish to further enhance these skills would be well suited to the subject. What career pathways are open to me if I study this subject? The qualification will obviously help in any business-related degree. However, it also has applications in any career; the student will learn about motivational techniques, personal as well as business finance and legal employment issues. The breadth of subjects covered may provide leads for the student then to study one of these specialist topics at university.

Entry requirements

How you'll be assessed

Assessment Overview Paper 1 (themes 1 and 4) written examination Paper 2 (themes 2 and 3) written examination Paper 3 (all themes) local, national & global - written examination with pre-release case study

School Info

About Education Provider

RegionSouth East
Local AuthorityKent
Ofsted RatingGood
Gender TypeGirls
AddressWilmington Grange, Parsons Lane, Dartford, DA2 7BB